These are interesting times when talking about workforce changes, challenges and opportunities. One area I see the organizations I counsel struggle with the most: the development of continuous, business-driving momentum.

Of course, it’s human capital that ultimately drives or stalls the momentum within any organization. But, when you’re in the thick of it, day in and out, it’s easy to develop tunnel vision and continuously be validated by the group-think of peers.

This past week, I had the pleasure of sharing insight with Kaihan Krippendorff of Fast Company on the trend of interim leadership and the workforce revolution it is quickly ushering in, all centered around this idea of momentum. A few key points of the piece, “What You Can Learn From Newtonian Physics About Building Momentum Fast,” are below.

A confluence of factors is driving the recently emerged interim leadership trend, including a pragmatic need for companies to shorten the length of time that they are executive-less. Additionally, there are more retirees and high-caliber executives on the market, both of whom are seeking new ways to work that incorporate a level of flexibility and balance. The crossroads of these factors has ushered in the interim executive—leadership that enters an organization temporarily, not only as a placeholder, but to serve as a jolt of energy to an organization in need of a reboot.

But with this unique position comes a need for a unique skillset and approach. An interim leader typically loses some traditional sources of influence—formal authority, and the positive feeling of being regarded as a rapidly rising leader, to name a couple. As for approach, interim leaders have to always be “planful” of their departure. It’s not wise to break off on huge projects, but rather quick wins to build a real sense of momentum and progress.

I enjoyed the conversation Kaihan and appreciated the opportunity to shed some light on what can be a truly strategic, beneficial move for an organization of any size looking to capitalize on the inevitable succession of, and lull in, leadership.

I encourage you to read the article in its entirety here, and share your thoughts and experiences.

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